Happy 2022! Love your limits

To all 10 of my blog readers, a very late (albeit still joyous) Happy New Year! It has certainly been ages since my last blog post. 6 months, can you believe that?

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Happy 4th of July! Viral LinkedIn post, Devops with DigitalOcean LAMP server, and fun with e.rip and kaboom.js

It’s been a few weeks since my last blog entry. I haven’t touched much as much Machine Learning content lately, as I’ve been focusing primarily on job searching and staying on top of my college courses with University of the People. I’ve also been a bit more active on LinkedIn, and surprisingly enough after resharing a single Quantum / Artificial Intelligence post, I saw over 20,000 views of my post. Surprising, because it was just a reshare and it gained about 25 reactions (likes, hearts, etc). Statistically speaking, this is like a 1% engagement rating so although it was viral according to one number, the “true” marker of success (reactions) was somewhat low comparitively.

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OpenAI Beta Developer access, Amazon Web Services AI fun, and moving to Alaska!

Greetings and salutations! It’s been two and a half months since my last blog entry. I became quite busy, but nonetheless my blog has been needing an update! I spent the past few months finishing up my Full Stack Application Development Manager course under Per Scholas, experimenting a bit with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Artificial Intelligence services thanks to a free virtual workshop organized by Women in Big Data, and moving to Alaska!

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Working with OpenAI Dall-E Part 2 - Setup success

So, today (04/10/21), we have some odd developments. As I continued my research to get Jupyter Notebooks running with proper installs, and watching different videos, I noticed Anaconda was always recommended as something to install Python libraries.

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Making Gifs and using Jekyll for blogging

Today we take a break from the Jupyter notebooks. It’s something to do with matplotlib not installing properly. So as I continue researching a solution, I’ve decided to experiment more with Jekyll blogs.

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