Day 2 of Python AlgoTrader
The day began with creating a new Jupyter notebook.
I had installed Python 2.7 and some version of Jupyter previously so I had to update to Python 3.7. Also had to update Jupyter and Pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade jupyter
Then installed necessary python libraries.
pip install pandas
pip install quandl
pip install numpy
Then created the notebook algoTrader by typing jupyter-notebook algoTrader
in the terminal.
Further following the tutorial at Free Code Camp I began typing Python code in the new Jupyter notebook.
import pandas as pd
import quandl as q
q.ApiConfig.api_key = "Your_Quandl_API_KEY_HERE"
Begin grabbing data from Microsoft and Apple by their respective ticker symbols MSFT and AAPL.
msft_data = q.get("EOD/MSFT", start_date="2010-01-01", end_date="2021-01-01")
aapl_data = q.get("EOD/AAPL", start_date="2010-01-01", end_date="2021-01-01")
Now, the data is random because we are not paying for Quandl services. There are premium, paid data sets available though.
And finally seeing 5 rows of data
And then we get to this output:
To get started writing blog posts like this, I used github pages and Jekyll. This is free! Here are three helpful links as a thank you for reading so far.
Get started with a free blog using Jekyll and Github
Master Markdown for writing posts!
Creating new posts for your Jekyll blog
That’s all folks! Good Evening from the Pacific, Chris